Why Not You?

self development and mindset Dec 08, 2022
why not you ready skills knowledge

Why Not You?


As I start working with mums, I hear them say that they can’t start a business because . . .  

I am not good enough.  

I don’t know enough.  

I am not brave enough.  

I am afraid of failing. Of looking bad. Afraid of embarrassing myself.  

But why not you?   

You know more than you give yourself credit for.  

Don’t discount all the skills, capabilities and extraordinary life experiences that motherhood has gifted you.  

If you aren’t ready to deliver results, be honest and just start helping.  

Focus on what you’ve already achieved and get reinforcement from loved ones about what they see in you.  

It’s OK not to know everything at the start.   

Keep learning and growing.  

Russell Brunson, an online business guru, had some great advice when he said to share your intuition rather than put pressure on yourself to tell others what they should be doing.  

New customers will always come along and be willing and excited to work with you.  

Though markets have many people making offers, there is always the opportunity to build a community around you.  

Don’t let fear take hold and stop you from fulfilling your destiny.  

You have everything you need.  

You are here right now, and you are ready.   



Whenever you're ready there are three ways I can help you:

1. Book a FREE 30 minute 1:1 live video consultation and get my personalised advice to help you in your business.

2. My course to help you start your own business is on the way! Look out for its launch soon.

3. Be sure to subscribe to my weekly newsletter - The Aspirational Mumpreneur. Each Monday morning you will be ready to start your week with my latest ideas and actionable tips.

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